Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday Link 2: Sex Ed

I have bad Twitter hygiene. I see things that look interesting and "favourite" them, fulling intending to return to them soon. And then they sit there for 2-3 weeks. This morning I was woken up very early by annoying cats, and not being able to go back to sleep I caught up on some of those things.

There are two I wish to share today, but I could not bring myself to put them in the same post because while they fit together nicely in my head, they are very very different.

The second is much more uplifting one. In our western world sex education has become politicized. It is not about giving young people information and letting them make healthy, well thought out decisions. It is about religious agendas, political beliefs, and control.

Which is why I love this video put out by @imMEDIAteFilms. It is a sex ed video made by young women for young women (though I would recommend young men and young whatever gender you identify as people watch it as well, it would be beneficial for ALL to see). It emphasizes healthy relationships, consent, awareness of one's body, the complicated world of gender, and knowledge.

It is not a complete sex ed package by far. It does not discuss the science side of things. It does not actually teach about the body, does not explain the processes of arousal/intercourse/reproduction, and does not discuss options. It is focused on the societal and emotional side of things. That being said, what I love about it is that it is not coming from voices of authority but from peers. We need more of this.

Linked to me by @FemFreq


How do these two links fit together?

The first was an effort to eradicate ignorance, the second is an effort to create positive awareness. These two efforts must co-exist, or we will never move past where we are now.

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