Saturday, June 16, 2012

Link: The Gender Trap podcast

I love radio documentaries. In a strange way even more than film documentaries, though that might just be because they are more portable and can be enjoyed while I try to get exercise (a WHOLE other issue in my life!).

One of my favourite things is therefore the CBC radio show "Ideas" which I enjoy in podcast form while going for walks or runs. It is a series of radio documentaries about anything and everything under the sun. Sometimes I agree with what is being said (lots of times), and sometimes I disagree but listen anyway because it's good to be informed and open.

A great episode I just finished listening to is The Gender Trap, Part 1. I have no idea how long they keep podcasts up, but if it is still up you can check it out at

It is an analysis of the faults in the science behind "male brains" and "female brains", and looking at the role unconscious bias plays in the development of children at very young ages. I quite enjoyed it. I have just started Part 2, which is about the family in Toronto who decided to keep their child's gender a secret which seems fantastic and interesting and may be the subject of another post later.

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