Saturday, June 16, 2012

Facebook = Stereotypes

I don't know if it is that I am more aware lately or if it has actually gotten worse, but I am finding parts of my Facebook feed really hard to handle lately because of all the "funny" pictures that promote gender stereotypes.

The stereotype I have been having the hardest time with lately is about relationships and how women treat men. It is the stereotype that it is a man's job to keep his woman happy, and that the woman will make him miserable with nagging if he doesn't. The ones about how a woman is always right and is the boss. I am driven nuts by sayings like "happy wife, happy life" or cartoons like this.  I feel these are RIDICULOUSLY harmful to our concepts of relationships. They spread the stereotype that women are unreasonable, passive-aggressive, and unwilling to compromise. I had two others on my feed today, but before I decided to write this I hid them and now can't find them to show examples.

Am I the only person in the world who believes a healthy relationship involves compromise on BOTH sides, rational discussion, and mutual respect? I don't want a relationship where I get what I want all the time, I want a relationship where we work like a team and get what WE want.

If women want respect we have to stop encouraging the stereotypes about ourselves. Encouraging other women and showing ourselves to be demanding, passive-aggressive, and unwilling to listen only hurts us and our attempts to create a healthier, more equal future. And even if I love you, I will hide your posts when they have stereotypical portrayals.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I saw your post on Facebook today and decided to read your blog - which is great, so definitely keep it up. And you are definitely not the only person in the world who believes there should be two-sided compromise.
