Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Divisiveness of Gender

I was intending to post tonight on names and why I love my gender-neutral name, but that post will have to wait a day or two.

On my walk home from work I listened to the second half of that CBC podcast I linked to, which is about a family who has chosen to not reveal the gender of their infant. They talked about instances with their older two children (who identify as boys but are very fluid in their identity and are often taken as being girls) and some of the incidents they have faced. While I LOVED their attitude and the way they dealt with it, I found it sad that someone's gender would be such an issue to someone else.

Then I got home and thought about other things, and started watching streaming video. One show I watch (a guilty pleasure) is a Canadian singing competition where two workplace teams compete for charity. And the first group did a beautiful mash-up of hopeful songs that made me cry. One of the songs was "One World" and the between the wonderful performance and the judge's comments I went back to my earlier thoughts.

Why do we have to see gender as so divisive? Why do we insist on a system that emphasizes the differences and not the similarities? And most of all, why do we get so freaked out when such a system is called into question?

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