Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jen and Linden in the U.K. Chapter II: Tainted Love

Tainted love because we heard that song on the street and it got stuck in our heads. Also because that is how I feel about Cork right now. I love it, but there is a sight taint.

Really that taint is caused by our own having made assumptions and not knowing. 

This morning we got up right as Madeline and Mark were leaving for work. We got ready under the supervision of the shy kitty cat, and headed out towards Heuston Station. 

That's us ready for a new day's adventure in our recently purchased to protect us from the sun hats. 

The shortcut that we were given led us through a beautiful park past Kilmainham Gaol and the Dublin Museum of Modern Art. It was a very lovely walk!

I loved the train we were on. Especially since it has good wi-fi. I tried to get some pictures on the way. My regular camera was too slow, but I managed a couple on the phone:

We got to Cork around 1:30 and got a bus to the University area (the driver was really nice!) We started walking to find our B&B, and discovered it was quite a bit further down the road than we had expected. After starting to wonder if we had missed it or something we found it, it was probably about 2:30 at this time. We knew it was too early to check in, but thought we could leave our bags here while we went to explore. Wrong! There was no one around until check in time. That was the assumption that got us into tainted territory. 

Hiving time to kill and being stuck with our suitcases we walked back down the way we had come to grab some food. I remembered walking past a couple places, but when we got to them none were open. After three or four places being mysteriously closed we saw a place that seemed open and headed that way. We checked out the lunch menu posted outside and it looked delicious. So in we went to get seated, to be met by a rather perplexed host as we were too late for the lunch service (it ended at 2:30, this was 2:50) but ten minutes early for the "snack" service. Maybe there are restaurants at home that do this (different menus and closing in between or being only open for one meal a day), but I am used to places being open all afternoon. Hence being confused by all these places being closed in the mid-afternoon.

I was pretty grumpy by this time, so ate something far less healthy than I should have (though there wasn't a lot in the way of healthy options.) Once I had food and tea in me I felt a million times better.

We walked back to our B&B (the walk seemed much shorter this time!), stopping to take some pictures along the way. The place is really nice and cozy, and the owner seemed quite friendly and sweet. 

(University College Cork grounds)

After resting for a couple hours we went and roamed around the city center area. We figured out our trip to Blarney tomorrow and night a nice dinner at a "family restaurant". I took a few pictures on the way back on my camera, but also two on my phone: a panorama (my new favourite toy!) of one of the streets, and a church that snuck up on us. I would love to share these, but my phone and ipad are refusing to share sadly. If they load at some point I will sneak them in to another post. 

Tomorrow is Blarney Castle (I fully intend to kiss the stone, even having heard horror stories of local teens) and then a night tour through the Gaol/Radio museum. Should be pretty great!

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