Monday, June 10, 2013

Jen and Linden in the UK Chapter 4 - now with actual UK + Everything is happening!

Alright, life is crazy and so much is going on! 

I am on a very late running train back to London after my detour to the North, so have some time to just sit and write. Though I am a bit distracted by my own anxiety about having no way to reach Jenny to let her know what has happened unless she logs onto wi-fi somehow. Note to all: always have a backup plan if you separate while travelling! Eep!

Last I wrote we were in Cork and had fun being in gaol. So much has happened since then. Friday we took the train back to Dublin. After dropping bags with Madeline again we went off to explore. The National Museum in Dublin is in separate buildings, but the Archaeology and History part is quite near where we were, so we went there. It was really neat, with lots of interesting displays. The gold necklaces from the late Bronze Age were absolutely unbelievable. The artefact I found the most connection with however was the Tara Brooch: 

After much learning and admiring we went back to Saint Stephen's Green and hung out until Madeline was done. Back at her place we had a really nice dinner and some time to relax - greatly appreciated. 

(Not all in the household were as happy to have us as Madeline - but would sneakily investigate cell phones anyway!)

After a while we decided to go explore Phoenix Park. It is an amazingly huge park in Dublin. It is so big that inside of it are multiple sports grounds, the Dublin Zoo, the President's house, the American Ambassador's house, and more. It is beautiful, with so many different things it is hard to capture in images or even words. At times it was quite manicured and pretty, at other times quite rural looking and refreshingly wild. Quite the place. 

On Saturday we flew to Cardiff. Since we had no change we decided to get a cab to our hostel which ended up being quite an ordeal - there is only one place to get a cab and it was a long queue. We waited about half an hour before getting a cab which we shared with another lady. That being said we still got to our hostel well before check in time. Luckily we were able to leave our bags there and go explore. After grabbing lunch in a very nice little sandwich shop (with a very helpful owner!) we caught a bus down to Cardiff Bay. It is beautiful! I, as a huge Doctor Who fan, had to stop and get my picture taken in front of Millenium Centre. 

After that we walked down the bay admiring the view and all the little sights along it. I decided to go through the Doctor Who Experience nearby after debating with myself for a while. I won't go into details about it here, but it was definitely worth the time and money! If you are a Whovian I will go on about it to you at a later time. I will share this though:

Eeee! Me and the TARDIS!

Okay. Away from my nerdiness and back to the travelling.

After walking about a bit more we headed back to our hostel. It was pretty nice for a hostel, and the owners were very good. I particularly liked that there was a cat! I miss my girly. We spent a little time decompressing in our room before heading out to grab dinner. Cardiff is very beautiful, and the city centre area we were in was really neat. It gets pretty wild on a Saturday night though! (Don't worry, we just saw the beginnings on our way back to the hostel where we read and went to bed early like good children!)

I guess this brings me to Sunday. This is when Jenny and I separated for a while - me up to Cleethorpes, her staying in Cardiff and then doing Bath today. My adventures in Cleethorpes are a whole separate story so I think I will write about them later. For now I am going to post this and then go back to worrying about if we will successfully meet back up or not. 

Love you all! 


Random pictures: 

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