Wednesday, July 19, 2017

On joy in exercise

Hello internet,

There are so many negative things I could talk about right now, but I'm writing this as my break from work and so I want to focus on something positive. This is a bit of an update from my last post where I talked about starting a new paradigm with my body and working with the fabulous Zita.

I am now a few weeks into this programming, and wanted to note some things that have happened. I have been to the gym and done a weights routine 6 times in 3 weeks, plus a home workout using body weight. I am planning to hit up the gym again tonight and then try to squeeze in the home workout either tomorrow or Friday. I haven't increased most of the weights (except the Leg Press because I have damn powerful fat girl thighs), but have gone from 10 reps per set to 15.* I am loving the feeling of lifting heavy things and feeling my body be powerful. I know it is becoming more powerful each time I do this, and I love that feeling too. I look forward to each time I get to go and lift heavy things because it feels so good to do.

During the workout is super fun, but I also should note how good it feels after the workout. I had forgotten how good a body that has worked feels. There is something amazing about walking around for the evening or day in a body that has been pushed just the right amount, and I had completely forgotten that feeling. Just the right amount of soreness and tiredness, but in a way that enhances my day instead of inhibiting it. There are few things more pleasurable.

I'm also noticing differences on all days. With the exception of my knee (which is getting slightly irritated but is totally manageable), I have no weird achiness. I'm not getting neck and head aches to anywhere near the extent I was before starting. I don't have random shoulder soreness from sitting the wrong way or sleeping awkwardly. In a way it feels like the exercise is lubricating my body so it just seems to work better. I don't know if this is actually a real thing that happens, but it's what seems to be happening and I am loving it.

The time thing is still hard. I find the workouts eat up pretty much my whole evening because of the way I am, so it can be hard to fit in and this does play into my overall feeling of burnout a little bit. But, overall I am noticing positive mood differences. My brain is happy just like my body is. It has made me reflect and realize that I am always happier when I have some form of exercise in my life. There is a reason that I keep going back to it after each lapse. Something people may not realize is just how many ways I've brought exercise into my life: taking an extra fitness option in school, taking aerobics classes, doing a learn to run program and training for races, taking more aerobics classes, taking a burlesque class, taking up running again, etc. Lapses occur for many reasons, and I refuse to be upset about them or feel shame about them, but it's good to be reminded how important it is to get started again and to focus on keeping going. It really does help me enjoy life to be moving and working my body.

There isn't really a point here, other than me celebrating the joy of exercise. I love working with a trainer who takes that approach and therefore enables me to think this way. Exercise isn't punishment for the food I eat, or a chore to be done to maintain a weight. Exercise is something that my body enjoys, and that I enjoy. And if I'm not enjoying it, that means I need to change what I'm doing. But for now, this is really good and is doing really good things to my life. It will be a challenge to keep up on vacation, but I should be able to hit an actual gym at least once and do body weight workouts a few times. Then I'll be back and ready to dive back in to a more regular schedule of making my body, and my brain, happy.

*Monday was my first time going from 12 to 15. Let me tell you, they may seem not that different but Holy Hannah 15 is a lot more than 12 when lifting heavy things!

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