Sunday, August 11, 2013

Edinburgh Revisited Chapter 1: What a day

Hello! This will be a pictureless post for now as I am stocking up pictures to blow your minds with in future posts. We are safely in Edinburgh and enjoying a quiet night in our hostel after a comedy of errors style day. 

The morning started off alright with a relatively pleasant train trip from Cleethorpes to Doncaster. There we got some lunch and sat down to wait for our train. And wait. And wait. And wait... The train ended up being 51 minutes late. As we had no connections to make I mostly just laughed and we amused each other with YouTube videos and music. When the train eventually did arrive it was absolutely packed to the gills with people and suitcases. After some shifting around we were able to store our bags safely on a rack that was too small for most of the other luggage. We found seats after York, and after Newcastle we found new seats that were actually together. 

I spent most of the train journey listening to music and knitting. However as we reached Scotland I put the knitting away to stare out the windows and enjoy the beautiful scenery. It is indescribable. I thought that maybe I had hyped this place up to myself too much and it wouldn't live up, but I was wrong. The magic of Scotland lives! 

When we arrived in Edinburgh the station was full to the brim of people trying to get on the train for the return journey to London. We were barely able to get off the train and fight our way through the crowds to leave the station. Letting Google lead the way we began the trek to our hostel. It took us a very pretty route circumnavigating Edinburgh Castle, but not a very direct route. I can forgive Google for that. However we might have a falling out over the actual location of the hostel. It took twenty minutes of walking back and forth, complete confusion about the way buildings are numbered, and Katherine eventually asking the nice scary looking man with no front teeth directions for us to find the place. 

Then it was time to try to get in. In our defense, it turned out the door was locked and we spent five minutes trying to open it in vain. Turns out the lady had just stepped out to go to one of the flats (it is a hostel apartment building - quite interesting actually).

Once we got settled we decided to go for dinner. Last time I was here I had a lovely dinner with my beloved Vanessa at Nando's so I suggested we go there. Dinner was very lovely. So was the sangria. What followed from there was pure silliness, at least part of which is to be blamed on one of our other Canadian girls and a task she set us involving accents. That is all I will say about that for now. 

When we got back to the hostel apartment place it was time to shower and settle in for the night. My poor travel companion didn't get to shower however as it is a bit of a strange set up - turns out you have to turn on power to the shower using the big scary looking red power switch outside the bathroom. A little bit of teamwork and investigation later this process was discovered and I was able to enjoy a nice weak shower (oh how I miss good water pressure!)

Tomorrow will be a day of castles and walking along with much more silliness. I look forward to it!

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