Monday, November 20, 2017

A love letter to my legs

Dear my legs,

I don't say this enough, but thank you. We don't always get along that well, sometimes I make you work when you don't want to. Sometimes you remind me of my limits by getting all grindy in the knees and refusing to let me do things. Occasionally I have thought disparaging things about your appearance. Far too often you lock up because I'm not doing what you want. Fairly rarely, luckily, you flat out give out on me because I'm not listening. But, at the end of the day you are my biggest supports.

We have been through a lot together. We have walked many places that are important to my heart, from Scotland to Nova Scotia to Tofino. You have carried me through runs, and those were probably our very best moments. You have sat with me through joy, and pain, and everything in between.

Lately, our relationship has improved. We are learning to work together again, to find joy in moving together. Sometimes we get out of sync, but we have fun. I truly enjoying feeling you move in time to the music, and I get so much pleasure from our time doing so. Shallow as it is, seeing you in some cute leggings reminded me how much I love you. You are glorious, glorious muscles and bones and joints. I thank you for all the adventures both behind us and ahead of us, for you carry me through them.

(please note: this is exercise in learning to love and celebrate my body, and is in no way meant to devalue legs that work different than mine, or people who move through the world differently. I am hoping to post love letters to various parts of my body as we rediscover each other in the next while)

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