My life is mostly still wonderfully boring, with a fun discovery of gallstones, my always strange job, and the worrying about that world-being-on-fire thing to add spice.
But let's talk instead about today's gym visit, because that's what makes me feel good.
When I showed up, my amazing trainer (and friend) asked if she could comment on something and pointed out that how I dress for the gym has changed. And she's right. I've down from things I could hide in to things I can move in, and I didn't really notice myself doing it. It goes along with progress we've been making. I'm not hiding because I feel strong and am showing up each week ready to have fun doing hard things.
And I want to focus on one specific one of those hard things. Push ups.
As a kid in gym class, I hated push ups. We were taught two ways to do them: "real" pushups were done with our legs straight but if we couldn't do that we could, with a nice side dose of shame, do them on our hands and knees. I couldn't do them with my legs straight, and the hands and knees version was awkward and didn't seem to work right. I just faked my way through each time.
I did thirty push ups in my routine today. That may not sound like much to some, but ten of those I specifically chose to do and I enjoyed every single one.
Because they were modified. I used a bar about four feet off the ground and did the push ups off that. I focused on form and feeling my muscles and keeping my body working as a unit. Each time I do modified push ups I marvel at how fun they are, and each time I'm a bit sad that I hadn't known.
I share this story for two reasons:
-because it's a good reminder for me that we can all do hard things, and might even enjoy doing them, but we need to be shown that it's okay to do them in ways that work for us.
-because I felt badass after today's workout and want to share.